Be a Partner

A Partner is one of the leaders of the Hate-Free Together effort in their area or city. Partners have a proactive role, helping to spearhead or organize events or training, and assisting with the Executive Committee in making decisions.

Financial support is required for Partners, which can be in-kind, like hosting community workshops or trainings, or by purchasing materials or donating funds. There is a form to be completed for those interested in being a Partner.

Partner Responsibilities

  • Sign up to get updates and have staff or leadership attend events or trainings
  • Provide logistical and administrative support to the Executive Committee
  • Host at least one community workshop or training a year and be responsible for assisting with logistics for said workshop, including creating an invite list, finding/reserving a location, providing supplies and marketing, and working with the presenter (if not from the Partner’s own agency).

Partner Benefits

  • Affix logos to the website and to promotional items
  • Include logos and agency name to statements and opportunity to review statements before they are released
  • Help review applications for potential Collaborators.
  • Have Partner events posted the Hate-Free Together website
  • Receive complimentary seats to trainings or events in other cities where Hate-Free Together is established
  • May join the Executive Committee who help run the day-to-day operations of Hate-Free Together
  • There may be other benefits as well
Diverse people clapping after a session

Current Partners

UC Davis, City of Davis, Yolo County, Davis Join Unified School District and Yolo County Office of Education

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