The History
COVID-19 was a pandemic that required an unprecedented level of collaboration and contribution between UC Davis, the City of Davis and Yolo County. When Healthy Davis Together and Healthy Yolo Together were born, these award-winning pandemic response projects taught us many lessons about community readiness, response strategies and local investments. A key lesson that continues to resonate is that we are stronger together.
Building upon this great work, the City of Davis, UC Davis, and Yolo County joined forces again in 2022, this time against the rising epidemic of hate. Recent and ongoing incidents in our community have shown continued prejudice and discrimination against groups and individuals due to their race, ethnicity, religion, ability, sexual orientation or other characteristics.
We all have a responsibility to combat this hate.

The Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is composed of the founding organizations and partner agencies. The Committee includes staff from Yolo County, the City of Davis, UC Davis, Yolo County Office of Education and the Davis Joint Unified School District. The Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day decisions of the Hate-Free Together Initiative, such as website additions/changes, approvals of logo use or partner requests. The Executive Committee has direct contact with the Founders and Leadership for each area or city.
The Partners
Currently, the Hate-Free Together initiative includes: the City of Davis, UC Davis, Yolo County, Davis Joint Unified School District and the Yolo County Office of Education.
We look forward to more organizations joining us in this effort!
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